Do You Dream Of Raising A Happy Healthy Eater?

(So You Can Breeze Through Family Mealtimes Like A Superhero?)

Join The Happy Healthy Eaters Club Today!

Yes! Make Me A Food Parenting Superhero

Are Your Family Mealtimes Not Quite What You Dreamed Of?

(Then keep reading!)

You spend ages working out what you can cook, in the desperate hope your picky eater doesn’t pull a ‘yuk’ face. 


You end up throwing together different meals for everyone, because one won’t touch anything green or will only eat pasta shaped like a stegosaurus.

You resort to bribes about broccoli (even though you don’t quite mean to).

Table manners fly out of the window. 

Wasted food is hurled towards your (once clean) kitchen floor. 

And your big hopes of your little person eating intuitively, enjoying a balanced diet and loving being at the table seem like a fruitless, distant wish. 

Far from feeling like a food parenting superhero…some days you feel more like a hot mess.

Fabulous Parents, I Hear You

You dream of family mealtimes where you know you’re on top of life.

You’ve shopped like a pro. 


You’ve cooked like a foodie whizz (even if you’re busy or you’re no Nigella in the kitchen).


You’re clued up on nutrition, avoiding scary food additives, how to eat healthily and sustainably… 


(Even if you’ve got no time to read a bunch of pretty books).


You know exactly how to tackle table manners, how to plan meals, what to cook and when…


And wow. 


You feel safe in the knowledge your child has eaten their nutrients, they’ll sleep well, grow healthy bones and brains, avoid the nasty bugs…


And are all set to grow up with a super healthy relationship with food.


Woo hoo! You’ve done a brilliant job.


Doesn't that sound like bliss?

Then lets make your food parenting dreams come true!

Yes! I’m Ready For The Bliss

Hi, I’m Sarah Almond Bushell, Registered Dietitian & Feeding Therapist, and I’m here to help you say goodbye to mealtime mayhem...


And step into your positive mealtime dreams!

And I know there were heaps of books about weaning – but there’s not enough (expert) advice on this next tricky stage. (Or they only tell you what to feed, and leave you wondering…how?!)

I understand how easy it can be to fall into unhealthy patterns. You fear the extra arguments and you just want your little one to eat. (Because you care!) 

But, can I be honest with you…?

Your child's lifelong relationship with food is forming now!


Getting these childhood experiences of food and eating right is vital.


The little things exasperated parents say and do (because they honestly don’t realise the potential harm) can have negative consequences.


Getting food, eating, nutrition and food parenting right is a delicate balance. 


There are little-known sensory elements. There’s psychology behind it.


And, let’s face it, you want to raise confident little eaters who’ll try anything…


And you’d love to make mealtimes happy and fun!

Did You Know...? 

Were you aware that how you feed your child (your food parenting style) is absolutely key to preventing SO MANY nutritional problems in older childhood. 

(Those big, scary issues that all of us conscientious parents fear.) 

When we get food parenting wrong, it can cause: 

  • Obesity to be 30% higher 
  • Fussy eating to increase by 40%
  • Undernutrition to rise by a whopping 60% (in certain vulnerable groups, eg children with sensory differences)
  • Disordered eating to become 25-35% more likely
  • Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia to skyrocket (by 30% and 40% respectively)

Can you see why I’m passionate to help you get your food parenting right...and  to bring back the joy Back to your family mealtimes

So that you can bask in the glory of…


  • Breakfasts without the bribery 


  • Lunches that are lovely (and delicious, nutritious, wholesome...) 


  • Dinners without the dodgy table manners (hooray!) 


  • And your glowing peace of mind that you're a wonderful food parent, raising the best version of your happy, healthy little person


So Mums & Dads, are you ready to begin this food parenting adventure?

Because that vital time (when your child’s lifelong relationship with food is forming) is happening right now!

And I’m ready to guide you.

It’s what I’m qualified to do.


When You Join My Low-Cost 

Monthly Membership...

  • I divulge the little-known strategies, so you can enjoy the stress-free family mealtimes you’ve been dreaming of 
  • I show you how to inspire your child to try new foods (with none of that scary pressure!)
  • I teach you how to save money – by learning how to shop and cook efficiently, and by avoiding all that food rejection and the constant cycle of scraping precious dinners into the bin!
  • I give you the peace of mind that you’re getting it right (with answers to your questions and on-hand expert support. No more Doctor Google!)

And when you join us, you’ll learn how to teach your child good eating habits for a lifetime. Right now. (Before it’s too late.)

That way, your little person will grow up to be a happy healthy eater and have a positive relationship with food.

(Well done!)

Yes! I’m Ready To Raise A Happy Healthy Eater

Want to explore the Happy Healthy Eaters Club?

Smart move, fabulous Parent.

Get ready to embrace mealtimes without the drama!

Because I’m here to gently guide you from frazzled to focused.

Imagine yourself calm, relaxed and floating through mealtimes like a foodie goddess.

You might even be whizzing up Insta-worthy dishes, having creative kitchen fun with your little one…

And saving heaps of time and money in the long run.

Say hello to happy mealtime memories…because the world is about to become your oyster!

Yes please!

Let's Take A Peek At What's Waiting For You



You have exclusive access to 35 incredible masterclasses that each take a deep dive into one of the crucial topics to help you grow as a super-parent.

Here’s a taster of what’s waiting for you in the library. 

(And yes – some of these will blow your mind! You’re going to love them…)


  • Help Your Child Try New Foods – With Sarah Almond Bushell (The Children’s Nutritionist)
  • How To Meal Plan Like A Pro – With Charli Farrar (Associate Nutritionist)
  • How To Be A Positive Food Parent – With Sarah Almond Bushell (The Children’s Nutritionist)
  • How To Save Food, Time & Money (Without Batch Cooking Or Meal Planning) – With Kate Hall (Author of The Full Freezer)
  • Ditching Your Own Food Rules So You Don't Pass Them On To Your Kids – With Christine Kenny (Registered Dietitian) 
  • How To Prepare A Month’s Worth Of Healthy Family Meals – With Siobhan Berry (Founder of Mummy Cooks)
  • Can't Eat, Won't Eat, Not Eating....Yet! – With Hannah Lewis (Speech and Language Therapist)
  • Fussy Eating Or A Sensory Feeding Difficulty? – With Munira Adenwalla (Occupational Therapist) 
  • Improve Your Child's Sleep To Help Appetite And Reduce Picky Eating - With Jay Walji (Sleep Consultant)
  • Making Mealtimes Math Magical - With Laura Fox (School Teacher)
  • How To Teach Table Manners For Happier Family Meals – With Sarah Almond Bushell (The Children’s Nutritionist)

And sooooo much more!


Our Masterclasses are available to you in your exclusive members’ area for you to watch whenever you’re ready.

You can ask questions too – we host a live questions session every month, so you're never left feeling stuck.

And we always keep you updated by email so you don’t miss a thing.

We even break down the Masterclasses into bite-size chunks, so they’re super easy for busy parents to watch on the go!

Monthly Online Meet-Ups

Because it's not just what you know but what you do with the info! 

I know from my 25 years of working with parents that success is in the follow-up. 

That’s why my team and I are here for you to answer all of your pressing questions and give you guidance. (So that you can successfully implement what you’ve learned!)


Guest Experts

And you don’t just get me!

Our Masterclasses are led by experts in their own specialist fields. 

Everything from Speech & Language Therapists to Positive Parenting Experts, to celebrity chefs! I’ve got you covered. 

Tasty & Nutritious Weekly Menus

Wow, our members love these! Just wait until you see.

Every week you’ll have exclusive access to a delicious menu of ‘nutritionist approved’ meals and snacks. That’s every day of the week and every meal and snack covered (with up to a year’s worth of fresh ideas!)

No more stuffing your cupboards with cookbooks or worrying whether your little one’s getting a balanced diet. Let us experts do the research for you!

Our menus take away the headache of searching for your own recipes. 

And we make sure they provide all the nutrients your little one needs to stay happy and healthy. (We run them through our strict nutritional criteria!)

Get ready for heaps of inspiration and tasty ideas, like:

  • Rhubarb & Custard Muffins
  • Almond, Berry & Banana Breakfast Tacos
  • Veggie Pot Noodle
  • Chicken & Banana Curry
  • Sweet Potato Falafel
  • Jammy Inside Pancakes


Our menus are laid out for you in a handy online pinboard, complete with yummy-looking photos.

You can browse through at your leisure, and you'll have access to all the previous weeks menus for all the time you've been a member. They never go away.

And don’t worry! We stick to quick and easy meals and snacks. We know life’s too busy to faff.

Handy Quick Wins

You’re going to love this library of handy short videos to help you troubleshoot whenever you feel stuck.

My fun and friendly videos are packed with quick wins and answers to the things that are bugging you right now.

Stuff like:

  • Should you sneak veggies into your child’s meals? (You might be surprised!)
  • Why you should never ask your fussy eater ‘was that nice?’ (And what you should do instead, to avoid knocking your little one’s eating confidence.)
  • What to do when your child decides not to eat. (Such a common one!)
  • Should you provide ‘rescue meals’ when your little one leaves their dinner? (Watch out for the problem that causes!)
  • Why toddlers can be fussy eaters. (Discover what’s really going on…)


And lots more!

Get ready to start binge-watching – this information is gold. It will completely change the way you look at things, for the better.

Your Supportive Community

A problem shared is a problem halved! 

In addition, you’ll be able to hang out in my private, client only online community, where you can meet other parents in the same boat as you.

Feel free to share recipes, ask for tips or share your journey as much or as little as you like.

This is a safe, supportive space (on a separate app, away from social media!)


As Featured In

Your Membership Bonuses!

When you join us (as well as the fantastic benefits above) I’ll treat you to these exciting bonuses.

Your Welcome Video & Handbook

To make sure that you feel welcomed and settled into the club, we’ve created a welcome video and pretty PDF handbook, just for you!

In the video, I show you around (behind the scenes!) and explain what you need to know to get you off to a flying start.

Get ready to feel empowered, inspired and confident…right from day one!

Your Welcome Quiz

Because who doesn’t love a quiz?!

Inside the Happy Healthy Eaters Club, our learning Masterclasses are grouped into 4 handy pathways:

  • Food & Nutrition
  • Parenting & Psychology of Feeding 
  • Child Development
  • You, Your Food Beliefs & Eating Habits


All of these areas are available to you, whenever you fancy dipping in. 

But if you’re not sure where to start, the quiz is a fun way to help you decide! 

We make life super easy by guiding you to the perfect place to begin.

Welcome Bingo

If you’re in for a bit of fun (and a free gift!) you’re welcome to download (or screenshot) our mini bingo challenge.


If you manage to tick off your tasks, you could even grab a prezzie from us – delivered straight to your doorstep.

Phone App Access

As well as being able to watch the Masterclasses and browse the recipes on your desktop or tablet, you can use our handy phone app.

That means you can access our content from your phone, on the go, whenever and wherever you like.

Our community is App based too!

Keeping up to date, informed and entertained has never been easier!

Yes! I’m Ready To Jump In


All of this expertise for just ÂŁ49 per month

or get lifetime access for £497 

That’s just £1.35 per day, less than a coffee!

And you know you’ll save that with all the food you won’t need to chuck away!

It really couldn’t be simpler.


So join us now, fabulous parent, before doors close until the next time….

Yes - I'm In!









Join Us


I’m so confident that my club will transform your family mealtimes (and that it’s so jam-packed with value!) that you’ll probably never need this.

But if you join and are still not sure, you can simply change your mind!

Just let me know within 14 days and you can have your money back. 

Jump in now and start learning straight away – it really is that easy!

Let Me Join!

Hi, I’m Sarah

Registered Paediatric Dietitian, Feeding Therapist, speaker and author 

& Founder Of The Children’s Nutritionist


I set up ‘The Children's Nutritionist’ to help parents like you get the right information about food and feeding…

So your children grow up with a happy, healthy love of eating. (It’s worked with my adorable two!)

I have nearly 25 years of fully-qualified experience, right up to the highest NHS Consultant level. (You can be sure you’re in safe hands!)

More than anything, I love empowering parents with the information you need to support your little people on their lifelong food journey. Because these moments are precious – and we only get one chance.

I know it can feel frustrating when there’s so much noise on what and how to feed your child. (And not much of it comes from qualified professionals!)

And I know that after weaning, so many of us are left thinking – what next?

That’s why I put my unique system together, based on everything I know as a Registered Dietitian and Feeding Therapist. 

And that’s how The Happy Healthy Eaters Club was born.

My completely unique approach puts together food, feeding and an understanding of your child's development at each and every stage – so you can rest assured you’re getting it right.

So I would love for you to join us. Let’s do this together.

As seen in:

Meet These Parents.

They Have Done It And So Can You!

“We Feel Calm & Confident – Thank You!” 

Our son was the fussiest eater. His list of foods was getting smaller and smaller and I was really worried. 

He would get distracted easily, everything was ‘yuk’ and he hardly touched a thing. 

We have put some of the ideas into practice & he has already improved so much. He ate one dish that he hasn’t touched for about a year and he even tried something on his learning plate! 

Your advice and plan has helped us to feel calm & confident about mealtimes and we are enjoying eating as a family for the first time in ages. I just wanted to say thank you!


“He’s Like A Different Child!”

My 3 year old lived on plain pasta, cheese sandwiches, scrambled eggs and bananas and milk. 

He was sooo fussy and had been like this for a year or so before we sought your help. 

He had his favourites and at dinner time I always had to supply taco mince. He actually asked for the family meal of spaghetti Bolognese instead of his usual taco mince tonight and ate a whole bowl!

We couldn’t believe it! He’s like a different child.

“Mealtimes Are Fun Again!”

Parts have been difficult (as you said) and it has been an interesting couple of weeks. But I’m pleased to say H is thriving once again, and we are all feeling much more relaxed around mealtimes. 

And it has made mealtimes fun again! Phew! And I shall continue to recommend you to friends and other mums I meet that are having troubles.


Would you like to feel like these parents too? Then you can! 

Join us today and get instant access to the club. 

Your journey to successful food parenting can begin in just a few simple clicks.

I’m Ready!

So If You’re Still Dreaming Of…

  • Organised, fuss-free evenings – where you’ve shopped and prepped like a pro and you’ve created something nutritious (that everyone is loving!)
  • Joyful family dinners – full of fun foodie experiences, where you’re busy making memories (instead of mayhem and mess!)
  • Happy, healthy little ones – who grow up trying new things, eating intuitively and beginning their lifelong positive relationship with food

The Happy Healthy Eaters Club is your place!


You’ll Soon Be…

  • Bursting with inspiration – from the heaps of easy and nutritious meal plans and recipes we share with you
  • Brimming with confidence – from all the insider food parenting advice you’ll be discovering, with experts to support and guide you
  • Buzzing with pride – because you’re giving your child the best possible start and you know you’re getting this right


If that sounds like your kind of perfect world, it’s time to join us.


Your exclusive members’ area and brand new support network are waiting for you…

Let Me In!

Steal A Look At What Our Current Members Are Saying!

Megan, Cooper's mummy


Fabulous Foodie Parents

The Time Is Now!

If you’re ready to feel calm, confident and in control of family mealtimes, it’s time to join us.

I know how much you care about your little one’s lifelong relationship with food. (That’s why you’re reading!)

And I’m passionate about giving you the knowledge to raise your child as a fearless foodie and a happy, healthy eater. I know you only get one chance. 

And working out at just £1.35 per day if you bag lifetime access (calculated on a year of use) you KNOW you’ll make this back from not scraping rejected food from the kitchen floor. 


So grab hold of your chance now!

Let’s help your little person flourish…

Count Me In!