When Your Child Won't Eat

Are they a fussy eater or is it something more complex?

Take the free quiz to find out

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If you are the parent of a fussy eater you’ll know all about the stress and drama at mealtimes.

When your child refuses to eat, it means that they’ll likely not get all of the nutrients they need to be healthy which affects everything from their mood, to their sleep to whether they avoid all the bugs and snotty noses going round.

If this goes on beyond the typical toddler stage, we really worry and it can lead to:

  • stressful family mealtimes, 
  • children developing an unhealthy relationship with food, and sometimes 
  • weight loss and poor health.
But you're here now and you can nip fussy eating in the bud.
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When you take our 2 minute quiz you will learn:

The reason for their fussy eating

Because there isn't one single cause and not knowing is why generic fussy eating advice doesn't work

The right way to help your child

So they begin to eat a wider range of new foods, with confidence and don't just request their favourites.

How to have stress free mealtimes

Doesn't that sound bliss? You'll no longer be constantly reminding your child to eat!

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Hi, I’m Sarah

Registered Paediatric Dietitian,

SOS Professional Feeding Therapist, 

& Founder Of The Children’s Nutritionist


I set up ‘The Children's Nutritionist’ to help parents like you fix fussy eating so your children grow up with a love of food and eating.

I am a speaker, author, have 2 degrees and 25 years of Child Nutrition & Dietetic experience, right up to the highest NHS Consultant level, which means I've supported hundreds of fussy eaters and their families.

I'm also an Advanced SOS Professional Feeding Therapist (so you can be sure you’re in safe hands!)

And I have 2 children of my own so more than anything, I get how hard it is to be a parent and raise children to develop a lifelong positive relationship with food. These moments are precious – and we only get one chance.

I know it can feel frustrating when there’s so much noise on what and how to feed your child (and not much of it comes from qualified professionals!) Which is why a lot of what you find on Google is nonsense!

Take the quiz, uncover the exact science backed strategies that actually work and let get them loving food and family mealtimes.

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So if you are ready to help your child eat new food and be healthy and well (without bribes, reward charts, distractions or spending hours in the kitchen...)

take our quiz today

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